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Nasmehni se, nekdo te ima rad :)

Nasmehni se, nekdo te ima rad :)

Become a custodian

Every person can become a custodian of only one of the 287 canadian hemlock trees in the Labyrinth of Art. Look at the interactive map of the park. Trees without custodians are marked in green. Click on your tree, insert your personal data and you can become its custodian for the price of 150 Euros (including VAT). Once you have paid the bill, your tree will be marked in red on the interactive map; and in April 2011, your tree in the actual park will bear a plate with the inscription: The custodian of this tree is /your name and surname/. So throughout your life you will have a chance to visit your own personal tree.

CORPORATE BODIES can become custodians of several trees in the framework of different Custodian Packages. We have a concept of sustainable sponsorship. If you can find your own place within the labyrinth, please contact us.

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