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Lewis Carroll

Ena najglobljih skrivnosti življenja je, da je resnično pomembno le tisto, kar naredimo za druge.

The Park

The labyrinth is meant for urban dwellers enjoying the visit of green spaces to recover their minds, to get rid of stress, and to refill their bodies with new energies. Walking through the greenery, up the path paved with literary quotations, to the centre of the labyrinth where a book is waiting for us to relax – such a walk is attractive both for everyday visitors and accidental tourists.

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Project schemes

The labyrinth is a project-in-progress. The first step on the way from its conception to the opening in April 2011 has been quite intricate. It comprised numerous specific details and actions, from the verification of its contents and strategies, to the acquisition of initial funds and official permissions – and, eventually, a landscape planning of the project.
The groundwork can be seen below. Click on every single picture will open an enlarged window.
